Emily Skye
March 2012 Glamour Gal 

Our featured Glamour Gal this month is Australian Fitness Model Miss Emily Skye. We have admired Emily for many years - her passion for fitness and dedication to inspiring others by completing her goals and always pushing herself. She connects with her fans daily through Facebook, twitter and instagram encourages others with her anything is possible, never give up positive attitude. In this exclusive interview with Eco Glamazine Emily talks about how she stays motivated everyday and shares her childhood dream of being a photographer.

Thank you Emily for being our featured Glamour Gal this month. We have admired you for many years, so tell us who do you admire & why? 
"Thank you for having me, I am honoured! I admire anyone who pushes to overcome something, anyone who shows dedication and puts in hard work to achieve their goals! I admire Jamie Eason, Lindy Olsen, Erin Stern, Kristen Mathers and Zoe Dally to name a few - they are all fitness fanatics, successful, determined, down to earth, kind and giving! They are always happy to help others which is so lovely to see."

"Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. If you've got a dream, you've gotta go for it, believe in yourself and know that you can and will do it! When people tell you that you can't do something it's because they couldn't do it themselves. If you really want something, You've gotta do everything possible to get it!" 


They say beauty comes from within - What does beauty mean to you Emily? 
"Beauty to me is being able to see something in another person that I admire - something deeper than what meets the eye. It may be a characteristic, intelligence, being creative, or showing genuine care for people. Being beautiful on the outside is not enough and doesn't last."

Obviously being a model beauty & fashion is important to you. What's your favourite eco beauty secret? 
"I make a face mask made of ground organic coffee and organic honey mixed together - it's full of antioxidants and is amazing for your skin."


Apart from being an international model you obviously love being behind the camera with your role as a photographer. What inspired you make the switch? 
"I have actually always wanted to be a photographer, ever since I was a kid. I used to develop my own photos while I was at school. I loved art and photography and always excelled at them. I love anything creative and I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to be creative in all different ways for my job!" 

We know you are currently preparing your body again for an upcoming fitness photo shoot, how do you stay on track & motivated? 
"I have a clear picture of my goal - it's nearly impossible to achieve something if you don't even know what it is you actually want. I look at photos of the body I want everyday, every time I feel unmotivated I look at the photos and remind myself of what I want and why I want it! If I feel like eating something naughty I look at the photos. I do allow myself some cheat meals every now and then though. This is the MOST important thing to remember: Staying motivated is a constant day to day thing! You don't just become motivated and that's it you are forever motivated! You have to work on it every day. It's the same with everything in life. If you want to change something that you're unhappy about you have to make an effort everyday. Whether it's smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy food, being a doormat - whatever it is - the same rule applies! You're reprogramming yourself to think and act differently to how you were previously. It takes time and it won't happen instantly and the beginning is the hardest part, but if you keep at it, it will get easier every day and eventually it will become part of who you are. The good news is, if you stick to it you will never have to go back to where you started ever again!

"If you want something bad enough you 
will work hard to get it."
Emily is wearing Bonita Fitness Wear

Being so positive and motivated we know you love staying active - what are your hobbies/interests when your not working?
"I love spending time with my family and friends, going to the beach, travelling and doing anything active."

Being a professional model you always need to stay in shape. We know you rarely eat sugar - Can you tell us your 5 favourite foods for losing weight? 
"Turkey, asparagus, spinach, sweet potato and eggs. I love eating clean and lean. I don't eat food that contains gluten or lactose as they upset my stomach. I have spent a long time working out what foods work best for me. One mistake I think a lot of people make is following "Fad Diets". I get a lot of emails from people asking for advice because they have followed a new diet and become quite sick. Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another. Research what foods are good for you. It's all trial and error."

Photography by Adam Watson


Last year you competed and WON the titled of Miss USA Fit Body & Miss USA Figure. Congratulations Emily. What inspired your journey to this amazing achievement? 
"Thank you! I have always admired strong, fit women with muscle definition and I have always been very athletic but wanted to push myself further just to see what I was capable of. I wanted to do something that would take hard work and dedication and it was something a lot of people said I couldn't do, or that I was silly for wanting to do it. I proved a lot of people wrong."

Emily, we love that you are always so positive and down to earth. What's your motto? 
"NEVER let what someone thinks or says about you define you. You know who you are better than anyone! Completely remove the negative and poisonous people from your life - to do that means to cut all ties with them physically and mentally. Make a conscious effort to not allow them to affect you in any way. Forgive these types of people for the person they choose to be and let them go. Holding onto hate and anger is not healthy and will only bring YOU down and subsequently makes you unhappy! Take control of yourself, your actions, feeling and your life. NOBODY can take away your happiness without your consent!" 

Special thank you to Emily for being our featured Glamour Gal this month. She truly inspires us to push ourselves, showing that through drive and determination anything is possible. The spark inside her shines through. Her beautiful dream, believe, commit, achieve life motto is one we truly admire and respect. We hope this interview inspired you to stay motivated. Follow Emily's social profiles for more daily motivation and inspiration. 

instagram: @missemilyskye 

 This is a feature article from our March 2012 Eco Glamazine.

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