Lori Harder - Ms. Bikini Universe 2010

Lori Harder-fitness trainer-fitness lady

I know I keep saying this, but again, we have one of the most beautiful women I think I have ever profiled here.
Lori Harder is a fitness competitor, fitness model, and fitness trainer and she is Ms. Bikini Universe 2010.
By the way, Lori didn't only win the Ms. Bikini America title, but also the Figure America Championship, at the same contest!
That was the first time that had happened in 21 years.
No small feat.
This five foot eight, 135 pound, fitness beauty has participated in Figure and Bikini competitions in both the Fitness America Federation, and the NPC.
And you may have seen one of her several appearances in Oxygen Magazine.

Lori Harder-fitness beauties-fitness beautyTautan

Female Fitness Competitions:
2007 Fitness America, Bikini - 3rd place
2007 Fitness America, Figure - 4th place
2008 MuscleMania Fitness America Weekend - 2nd Place
2008 Fitness Universe, Figure - 3rd place
2008 Fitness Atlantic Natural Bodybuilding, Fitness, Bikini, Figure & Model Competition -1st Place - Tall class
2009 Figure Universe, Figure - 2nd place
2009 Fitness Universe Bikini - 3rd place
2009 Jay Cutler NPC, Bikini - 2nd place
2009 Fitness America, Bikini - 6th place
2009 Fitness America, Figure - 2nd place
2010 Fitness America Figure Tall Class - 3rd place
Ms. Bikini Universe 2010

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