Looking for sponsors and raffle donations for the Third Annual Lovely Rita Fundraiser!

I blinked...and then it was already almost here.  The third annual Lovely Rita Fundraiser to benefit the National Kidney Foundation, hosted by Twirly Girls Pole Fitness, is only a month away.  The showcase and raffle will be held on Sunday, April 22, 2012.  (I haven't heard the final plan from Bel, but workshops may be held the week before.)  Don't forget, ALL OF THE MONEY RAISED GOES TO THE NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION.

Here is a post about our first event in 2010:  http://lolorashel.blogspot.com/2010/04/lovely-rita-fundraiser-was-huge-success.html

Here is a post about our second event in 2011:  http://lolorashel.blogspot.com/2011/04/thank-you.html

Here is what I need from all of you!

If you have a business and would like to donate a gift certificate or item(s), please contact me ASAP.  We need to start pulling a list together and actually collecting things.  As I learned the hard way last year, I can't count on anything until I have it in hand!

If you would like to perform, please contact Bel ASAP.  She is making a list with names and songs (so we don't have repeats).  We need to figure out how long this show will be.

If you are not in the area but would still like to donate, please visit this LINK.

Tickets for the showcase and raffle will be going on sale SOON.  Please help us make this our best year ever!

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