2011, The most extremiest year of extremes yet!

Some things about this past year were really great while other things really sucked. That makes 2011 truly unique, just like every other year ever. However, I'm not going to waste anyone's time with yet another year-in-review list. That's because, unlike past years, I think everything can be summed up with two names: Charlie Sheen and Tim Tebow. 
As we race headlong toward more and more radical extremes (We are the lunatic fringe because, guess what? It's ALL fringe!) there aren't two more perfect individuals to symbolize who we are and what we stand for. Like Batman and the Joker, Tim and Charlie would appear to be polar opposites, yet they do share some common ground. 
In Charlie, we have the embodiment of the reckless and nihilistic pursuit of fame and self satisfaction whose every antic is documented.
In Tim, we have the throwback to kindler, gentler, more humble, more pious ideals that people who miss the 1950s are always touting.
Yes, the twin ambassadors of 2011 really have nothing in common on the surface. However, both are mocked openly for the views they express and both have a large percentage of followers who would like nothing better than to see them fail spectacularly.
What could possibly be a better lead-in to 2012, a presidential election year?

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